Board of housing Company and deputy landlord / Superintendent
Need assistance running a limited liability housing company or a joint stock real estate company? Wondering about the responsibility of maintenance, articles of association or administrative matters? Electric car charging stations causing problems?
Let us solve your problems. Kiinteistölakimies is a law firm that has specialized in real estate matters and can give you expert assistance from administrative issues to emergency situations. Our legal professionals know the complexities of real estate law and are here for you in whatever circumstances your housing company finds itself.
Regardless of your role, whether deputy landlord(/superintendent) or a member of the board of housing, we can also give you legal assistance in challenging disputes, including damages. Our experts solve disputes between the housing company and shareholder as well as between the housing company and third parties.
Our services:
- Determining responsibilities between the housing company and shareholders
- Changes in the articles of association
- Division of renovation costs
- Questions of responsibility between deputy landlord(/superintendent) and board of housing
- Questions related to parking spots
- Leasing and taking spaces into the housing company’s possession
- Disputes related to accidents
- Questions of insurance and responsibility from start to end of the builder’s 10-year warranty